Thursday, 12 May 2011

Boy A – John Crowley

Eric Wilson (Andrew Garfield) is given a new identity when he is released – Jack Burridge, in order to help him readjust life after spending years in juvenile prison for murder. Under the help from a rehabilitation worker Jake is given a job and a place to live.

No matter what he had done in the past, Jack seems to be a genuine, good person. From the fresh backs of his childhood we know he was brought up in a broken family, alcoholic father and a mother dying from cancer. Constantly being bullied. He was never a bad kid. When the bad influence and malevolent Philip Craig came to the picture, Jack quickly follow suit Philip’s behaviours maybe his loneliness drive to the hands of evil. Later we learnt that Philip was sexual abused by his brother. It seemed to explain his provocative actions.

This is not a typical get back to the society story, it’s about a kid never once has stepped his feet into the world. The movie did not mention any of his imprisonment. It starts from his last day of prison. He has been living in discipline almost his entire life. His soul is purified and innocent. How he interacts with the actual world is compelling to watch but yet brutal.

Something is haunting Jack, the real reason why his friend Philip Craig (the second defendant of the drastic murder) reported committed suicide but Jack suggested it was the opposite. Neither of boys took the sole responsibility of the murder, neither of them gave any detail to determine who should be locked longer. Which implies the close bond between the boys. The story implicated Philip was the troublemaker. And it was Philip who started it. The story never reveals the truth but it was obvious.

From the beginning of the movie we could almost predict the ending. Why he has to change his identity? Which implies people are not forgetful, in order to live a better life one must change ones name to penetrate the people without a trace. How ironic people say giving others second chance which only implies to those with minor record.

People are not perfect, and every single one of us deserves a second chance. We have no right to deprive others’ chances because of our prejudice and preconception.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

FM84 2011/5/9 Vol 2

FM84 逢周二下午六時播放

本周上畫 / Tony要強烈為大隻雷Thor辯護,討伐4res / 由《Limitless》(逆天潛能)的藥物借用引伸至美少女戰士其中一集? / 阿根廷電影《XXY》(我是女生,也是男生)帶出的性別錯摸很值得深思

樂隊Hurts訪港,Tony熱熾推介 / Billboard榜動態更新,歌曲飆升有時似股市 / Lady Gaga新歌MV出街Tony無好感? / Maroon 5也來香港,Tony棒場

Pixar 25周年展覽介紹 / 4res和Tony一人選一套最喜愛的Pixar作品

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

FM84 2011/5/2 Vol 1

FM84 逢周二下午六時播放


本周上畫 / Tony和4res看了些甚麼 / 順便講兩句itunes有相當廉宜的電影租貸服務?


美國藝人銷量提升法 / Lady Gaga新碟上榜只能踏入梗頸十;力邀Britney Spears作featuring的Rihanna終如願登上Number One趕落Katy Perry / 來自美劇Glee的音樂推介


由3D肉蒲團延伸至本土情慾片的文化? / Tony推介兩套歐美情色電影