Saturday, 10 August 2013

The Bling Ring - Sofia Coppola

This is a movie about how fame-obsessed our generation is becoming. Totally understand why Coppola put her hands on this topic. The flick directs us to the crime, the obsession, the truth is, the picture is way bigger.

I wonder how many of our younger generation check the boxes of what the movie depicts, not only they were  raised by consumerism under their roof, they are also in the age of social network. Let's put aside the crime for a second, if, I'm just saying only if they hadn't bragged about their visits or posting pictures (self obsession) on social network with acclaimed items, they wouldn't have been caught that easily. How many teenagers got caught per year because they bragged about their crime on social networking sites. I am not encouraging them to commit any crime but if they do, please be a little smarter! (For me this is actually something really sad, the brains of our younger generation are actually deteriorating.)

The rest of the story is just old wine in a new bottle. Same old reasons why teenagers commit crimes - single-parent family, peer pressure those kind of stuff. That's at least pretty much sum up the two leads in the flick Marc Hall (Israel Broussard) and Rebecca Ahn (Katie Chang). What interesting is when all the characters come together, how each of them represents a certain a type of teenagers. The insecure one, the bossy one, the bitchy one, the innocent one, the fake one. I would say they are troubled kids and the fact is they are basically everywhere. And who should we blame, the child or the parent?  Nicki Moore (Emma Watson) is the perfect example. How ignorant if the parent truly believed Nicki was innocent and nothing suspicious about her child, considering her kids went out late on a school night, having suspicious new dresses and stuff. (the real life Nicki (Alexis Neiers) is actually really intriguing, she got caught right after she filmed the pilot of her own reality show, and was placed right next to Linsey Lohan while she was in jail.)

Alright the crime, I think what made them bolder was Paris Hilton, the movie didn't touch on this matter much as Paris herself agreed on letting them film at her place but it didn't cover the fact that how stupid she was (in the original press release of the actual crime, the convicts dubbed her dumb as a reason why they broke into her apartment and it might actually be true!) They have at least broke into her place for like 7 times. Not until Miranda Kerr reported the crime with a surveillance TV footage, then Paris noticed that she had also been a victim too. If breaking into someone's property is like eating a piece of cake, key under the door mat, don't you think the kids would be encouraged? Or maybe the kids were not as stupid as we thought they were, despite the fact that they posted pictures of themselves at Paris' place on facebook. Is either Paris or the kids or both, you pick. 

This is a reminder to us of what we are doing to our kids.