I went to see this drama totally because of its name! I have been finding my special one for a while now, eagerly wants my name erase from that lonely list! Sometimes I may wonder what does single mean to me. I have lost count of how long I have been single, 3 or 4 years? I’m not so good at remembering unpleasant events. Coming across this drama is like putting a definition in this point of my life. I’m single but I’m happy.
In one of the scenes Tony mentions about “consciousness” and “sub-consciousness”, no matter how many times we are telling ourselves to find the right one, deep down the sub-consciousness is doing its little tricks sending these little messages hinting that we don’t need anyone to make us happy. Everyone of us wants to be loved but still wants to have some of our secret private moments. When we were exhausted after a long day of hard work the only thing we want was to lie down and relax, unfortunately, the one sleeping next to you would just start touching you kissing you, doing all those foreplays, and next thing you do was faking your orgasm. No matter how madly in love you are, from time to time you just need some spare time of your own.
I have realized that don’t really know since when, I start keeping myself intensely busy, don’t even have time to breath! When you are trying too hard to develop a relation with someone, sooner or later you will just grow tried of it, and you will automatically occupied yourself with numerous events, trying to avoid the scene of failing. When you are not over thinking, opportunities just fly in your way, all of a sudden those adorable cupids are surrounding you colouring your atmosphere PINK! Just take it easy and you time will come.
Once just like Tony, there were 2 “fortunetellers” telling me I won’t be able to find true love until I reach my 30s. WTF! Was my first reaction, even now I still couldn’t believe it!! There is still a long way to go! What should I do? Standing where I am and wait for them to come? Really? That doesn’t mean I will simply kill all my potential lovers. There is a friend told me that I should take this chance and time to upgrade myself. Which once you are in love time just becomes a luxurious item. Better get prepared rather than just a pair of emptied hands.
If you are confused being single! Watching this drama may help you clear things out a little bit. Apart from the theme, the show is absolutely enjoyable to watch. Movements/dancing (I don’t really know what people call them), dialogues are hilarious and yet inspiring. As it is preformed in a small theater and a solo play, the actor often interacts with the audiences. We were just like on same stage together, so intimate, and so close, like talking with your BFF. Don’t miss it if it re-runs later!!