Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Letters to Juliet - Gary Winick

Love story? Lost appetite? Not too fast, this is not just your typical romance Hollywood flick. If you are on your down side recently, watching this movie will just simply do the work to cheer you up and putting your head back up high and ready for it again.

Verona is the city of love, people often visit the resident of Juliet and grieving girls and women then will write down their unfortunates addressing to Juliet hoping for an answer. And everyday a group of women claiming themselves as “the secretaries of Juliet” will reply those letters on behalf of Juliet. One day Sophia is travelling to the city with her fiancé Victor and finds out the work these women are doing, and later Sophia ends up helping the secretaries of Juliet and accidently finds a letter behind a loose brick addressing to Juliet 50 years ago, so she decides to reply this letter and this is where the story begins. Searching for the true love 50 years ago. “If it can last then, it will last 50 years later.”

“Speaking of love, it’s never too late.”

I have to admit it, after watching this movie, I feel like there is a big rock removed from my heart. Not only once there are fortunetellers telling me I won’t be able to find my true love in my 20s, that means I have to wait till I reach my 30s and there is still a really long way to go. I used to feel upset about it. But after tonight I’ve changed. If someone is confident enough to search for her 50 years ago teenage affection, comparing to me, mine seem nothing. Although it’s pretty predictable the message is utterly positive.

“You have to have the courage to seize it.”

During the search of Claire for her love Lorenzo, Sophia happens to get along with Claire’s grandson Charlie. Love is also about timing, Sophia has a fiancé, and Charlie has a complicated relationship back in the UK. Another message in the movie is to fight for your love, love won’t simply just fall out of nowhere, we have to take the chances and go for it, and how many loved one you can afford to lose? Why we always to have be the one who wait for someone to take the first step. Why can’t we initiate, and make it happen.

People come and go in our lives not that they don’t love you any more, it’s because people change. People come together because they have something in common something they share, it can be work, interests, hobbies and believes. When these stuff no longer on top of each other, we move on, again that doesn’t mean we lost a friend or someone we love, we should take it as a new phase of our life. Once friends always are friends.

If you play a little more attention you will aware that the atmosphere of movie is actually pink. From time to time you will see people in the movie walk in pairs, jog in pairs. Really like the little details which the director has put a lot of thoughts, it is not obvious but not yet subtle enough to make you realize them and help to intensify the mood of the whole story.

“I’m madly, deeply, truly in love with you.”

I am also in love with the screenplay, and the accent, everyone seems to have their own accent, making the character so distinct and it is obvious the people who wrote it are giving assumptions to different nationalities. Like the Americans are always rush, the Italians are romantic etc. And when the time your hear Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” everything just seems so right. And I can say Love Story is the perfect song for this movie!

This is one the best romance movies I have ever watched!!!

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Glee Season 1 – Ryan Murphy

This must be a coincident! This is the second Ryan Murphy show I have bought! First Nip/Tuck! And now Glee! They are totally different type of dramas I would have never expected from a producer like Ryan who was known for the show nip/tuck and surprisingly both Glee and nip/tuck are gratifying!!

I’m serious here, Glee is really the first show that got me from the deep down! This is the one show that really depicting what is really happening in the real world, sometimes it might be a little bit over the top but in a sarcastic way. Glee is about a bunch of unpopular kids struggling to find their feet in school. And this show choir Glee Club gives them the platform to express themselves. It is really relatable. One good thing about them is that they never did look down upon themselves although they are not like those popular ones, they are still capable in finding a way to glow. When you are being bullied it’s hard to ignore them and still do your thing flawlessly, something most of the people lack in this generation is - believing in themselves and trust that they are better than what they thought they were.

I actually feel like Rachel sometimes as I was just as righteous as she thought she was at school!! Of cause I was not that aggressive (may be I was)! I was mean and brutally honest all the time! And I knew people just didn't like me, or not comfortable being around me because of my personality! But this is the way I am and I like it! Accepting yourself is what glee is all about! You have to love yourself first before anyone else. Rachel is the perfect example of being over confident, nevertheless, her dream is clear, she is just fighting for her dream.

I envy Kurt, he has a really understandable father! Although his father doesn't really agree with life style, however, he just supports him no matter what! I’m not comparing this, as Kurt is gay, it’s just that western dads seem more expressive than Chinese dads. I do understand that not all western dads are like this but watching Kurt having a father like this makes me ache.

It’s reality! Those are the kids who are being left out and boycotted at school!! And they survive!! Only one percent of the population of the students is the popular ones! So that makes most of us are living in the shadow of the glee club members, it’s not a bad thing because now at least we have someone to look up to. Everyone is struggling on something on their own

Apart from the theme, the other selling point of Glee is the music! Somehow the show introduced me some oldies and kind of put it in a new edge, I believe music do speak for itself. Good music last forever! Second, the music are much more relatable abided by with the story line. Personal favorites Poker Face (Cherry Tree Gaga version), no air, vogue, take a bow… and more.

Giving you a little taste of high school but yet inspiring and hilarious.