Consider this is a crossover between Gossip Girl and Skins. It’s Spring Break on the Upper East Side. We don't need too many details to determine how wasted our generation is. The story is based on the controversial novel written by Nick McDonell published when he was 17. Which many people questioned whether his background or his connection got him the deal or the opposite.

The story opens with White Mike (Chase Crawford from Gossip Girl) the drug dealer once wealthy but after his mother’s death he dropped out from school and started dealing with his ex-classmates. White Mike is the key to the story. He intertwines with every one. with the narrator Kiefer Sutherland gives us enough information to understand the characters we don't have to ponder much.
I like idea of having a bunch of spoiled kids trying to have some fun in their Spring Break. The story doesn't really focus on anyone maybe White Mike but it's the full picture makes it more appealing even the so-called good kids are willing to buy drugs for the people they like. Kids with good grades would sacrifice their virginity for drugs. The desire of being in page 6, wanted to get laid and more. In my eyes I don’t see any bad kids, they are just struggling to stay tune with their peers or even standout from them. They don’t have any intention to hurt anybody but mostly they are selfish and self-centered.

I don’t think it matters if we can’t remember who’s who in the movie. This is just not the point. The movie is just making a statement by telling people no matter how beautiful they seem to be, deep down there is an unleashed monster awaiting a chance to ambush their pray in order to get what they want.
This is just a peek in today adolescent’s life. What I see lead to all this is the lack of parental attention, I am not taking about supervision or guidance. They are just not there when their kids needed them. All they need is some love from their parents.

I do have to admit there is way too much of narrating. I believe the audiences are smart enough to understand what is really happening. Would have loved the movie more if there had been less or no VO.
To me this is just sheer reality.