Sunday, 12 January 2014

My PICK 2013

1. Disconnected - Henry Alex Rubin
The only movie got a 10/10 from all the 116 movies I watched in 2013. It’s about how humanity is weirdly linked and yet distanced at the same time. Love the execution. 

2. Searching for Sugar Man - Malik Bendjeloul 
By far, the best documentary I have even seen. It changed the way I look at documentary. I was teary at least half of the movie, I was on the edge most of the time. Maybe it’s faith, what it meant to be is what is meant to be. 

3. Gravity - Alfonso Cuaón
Super intense, magnificent cinematography/ CG. Finally a movie raises above with the help of 3D, the experience would not be the same without 3D! have more respect for Sandra Bullock now. 

4. Before Midnight - Richard Linklater
This is real, no sugar coating, not anything. Which I agree truly, love is bitter sweet. From the little train ride to the walk in Paris, those 18 years, they didn’t even know each other for more than 48 hours. They are more like fantasy to each other, so what happens if they finally be together and finally the bubble popped.

5. De rouille et d’os - Jacques Audiard
Life is full of ups and downs, even when the down was meaning losing one leg, life still goes on. (When firework was played in the movie, I truly thought Marion Cotillard looks like Katy Perry XPP)

6. Cloud Atlas - Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski 
As a Chinese the concept was nothing new, still the presentation and continuity of all the shorts were super well executed. Of cause the book is more well explained but the movie still made my top 10. 

7. Trance - Danny Boyle
It stuck in my mind for quite some time, if it didn’t reveal that much (all) and let the audiance interpret the story a little, it would be a 10. 

8. The Great Gatsby - Baz Luhrmann
The soundtrack is the highlight, if it’s not because of it, it wouldn’t even made my pick. Just imagine how could the era works with electro music but it did. And there is one specific moment it touched me more than I thought it would be.

9. The Hunger Game: Catching Fire - Francis Lawrence
The first movie made me read the entire series within a week. And Catching fire is my favourite one out of the three. The director did a good job on it, the adaptation lives up to the original. The whole concept of this movie/book is more than what it looks like. Somewhat it does mirror our society in a certain aspect. 

10. Stoker - Chan-wook Park
It was really obvious Park toned down a lot for his hollywood debut. For the subtlety, I love it even more. Everything detail matters, it was beautifully shot.