Thursday, 15 January 2015

Ken Park - Larry Clark and Ed Lachman

I'm still in the marathon exploring mode (maybe not 100%, but close enough), once again Larry Clark shows me something on the big screen that I found authentic and genuine. It's like he puts these trouble kids in a time capsule, when you open it, the rebelliousness of the teenagers has a really strong presence.

I don't know where I've heard of this, it says: no matter how different their movies are, directors are always trying to say the same thing, more or less the same theory, the same values in their works.

This time round, we see something different, a hint of family influence. It shows how the relationship between parents and their children affects each other. I am not saying if you come from a dysfunctional family you will automatically become into kinky sex. No, kinky is not the word, we all do aware sex dominates a big portion of our mind, especially teenagers. For some people sex is a HUGE part of their lives. And exploring their sexuality is a stage we couldn't avoid, we experiment stuff, we do stuff we might not be too proud of. We all have been in this grey zone. (even if you don't want to admit it, somehow you have been there.) Of course Ken Park might be a little extreme, one way or another it is a phrase people go through. When you are a teenager everything seems like the end of the world, it's you against the world and Ken Park reveals how we feel (had felt) when we are a teenager and how we handle those feelings. Something not everyone is capable to handle.

Simulated sex scenes don't really bother me that much, (of course unless they are pointless and too repetitive.) Nowadays, they could be shown in the cinema easier. I don't feel like they are redundant. It helps telling a story.

The Smell of Us is going to be in the cinema like in few days, I'm so excited.

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