What would happen after death? Would there be an afterlife? A Heaven?
Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) was killed by her neighbor, when one day she was going home from school walking across the cornfield. Since then she has been watching her family and friends from the place where she called heaven or somewhere in between. She could not let go of her family so she stayed.
I was mesmerized by the scene when Susie goes into a blench white room where in the middle stands a pale white bathtub, a man whose face is covered by a towel is lying inside and resting his both arms on the two sides. There is blood scattered across the room, dirty and muddy clothes are among the scattered bloodstains. Not far from the bathtub located a filthy washbasin coloured with more blood and the faucet hangs a bracelet. At the moment Susie finally realized that she is dead. I love the contrast of the white and the deep red, step by step Susie walks into realization of her death, the fear in her eyes speak a thousand words. The scene is beautiful but yet brutally depicted.

The story is told from the perspective of Susie. In the beginning when she describes the murderer her voice is so soft and neutral, there is not a hint of anger or hatred. You may wonder how could she channel her anger. Later the truth will be revealed. Sometimes we may easily let anger rule over us, distracted our mindset, shadowing our decisions. However, to let all those down is really a complicated task, not that I am asking you to embrace your murderer but to let the anger down so as not to put burden on your loved ones shoulders. Leading your family and friends living in miseries does no good to any one. Considering the circumstances it doesn’t worth putting them in hell for your lost. The world doesn’t only revolve around you.
The story is all about letting go. You cannot live in the past forever, there is no such thing as “It ‘s not the time yet.” Or “It should have happened the other way.” Nothing is certain, you can’t stop anything from happening, and most importantly it’s not about then, is about now. Lingering in memories may only help you to survive a while but not forever. Learn how to embrace and accept the truth and carry on living a better life is what we should focus on not the former.
Watching this movie is like experiencing something impossible, most of the religions tell us there is an afterlife. Nevertheless, the truth has never been verified. Seeing Susie watching her family and friends makes me wonder the existence of my life after dead, will I be watching someone I can’t let go? Or it’s simply just the end?
Few confusions but it is still an inspiring journey.
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