The web sensation Ukrainian boy band Kazaky is taking the world by storm. Their debut single “In the middle”, generated 1.7 million hits on youtube to date, and their second single “Love” received similar attention!
In both videos the four members (Oleh 30, Arthur 26, Cyril 21 and Stas 20) dressed in tights and put on their chic black stilettos and shirtless most of the time showing off their “ablious” body, dancing. Oleh the leader was the top 20 in a dancing reality show in Ukraine, also the chorographer of the act. Arthur is an American and a ballerina. Can’t find much about Cyril and Stas. it doesn't really matters anyway, course they are all damn SEXY!!!
They instantly become my LOVE!!
Does it matter what their lyrics about? NA!!! It’s about the Dance and their body!! it's strange that they didn't make the whole thing drag or gay, it was "wow" jaw dropped, "Hot" eye popped and "SEXY".........
here are some making of of their latest video Love :

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