2014, when the majority is vampires and human are like chicken being farmed by them to supply their needs. It is no surprise the human race is facing the extinction. The funny is what they have been avoiding all the years, in the end they are on the same line with everyone else – dead.
I always love science fiction especially vampire’s story. From Twilight, True blood, Vampire Assistant I frequently expect “something” more, not the typical vampire stories. Then I came to this - Daybreakers, when most of the vampires are finding a substitute for blood to keep them alive. There is someone wants to find a cure, to turn them back to human again to bring back the humanity from within.

I found this absolutely creative, I have never thought of when vampires feed on themselves or others vampires they will actually poison themselves and starts mutating into a half vampire half bat creature. And when they starve for too long their ears will start grow longer and hair start falling, lose they mind then start feeding on themselves or simply die. This is all new to me, a whole new chapter of vampire adventure for me.
From another angle, it is kind of like what we are treating the animals or the environment, we farm them, feed on them. I know this is the survival of the fitness, the whole food chain thing, but we just can’t go too far. It’s just like watching the scene when human are being hold like prisoner sitting on chair naked, needles half injected in their necks, barely breathing, not just one, but a whole lot of them and later the numbers are decreasing one by one. We can’t start thinking a solution when it’s only a few left, not just animals but tress and resources too.
We should start doing something before it’s too late.
“We’ve found a cure, it is never too late” one of the character said it at the end of the movie. Not only the human race doesn’t have to be extinct but also they vampires are given a second chance to live again. Totally agree with this it’s never too late for anything. The problem is how you take it and absorb it. If only we were given a second chance. Then we should start taking care of things around us before we wind up crying.

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