Kiss Ass breaks all the stereotyping of super heroes, big and built, superpowers. Being a superhero is not all about how tall you are, how strong you are, it is about standing up and helping the others. Most of the people now are just being an audience, no better there is a fight or an accident, the first thing they do is forming a circle around the scene, taking out their phones and start shooting videos. You may say it could be evidence. But would you mind calling the police first? You could see this in the movie too, there is a guy always just watching Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass being robbed, and do nothing, and he ended up dead as because of it. So sometimes being a bystander might actually hurts.

This is different from those typical superhero movies, it used a more down-to-earth, less serious and much more approachable way to send out the message. Since it is a comedy, with the help of relaxing music, those bloody fighting scenes seem more acceptable. There are places you will laugh out your lungs, and there is one scene like most of the audiences were clapping and laughing real hard. I am laughing now just because of thinking about it. I’m serious. The most important thing is they are not silly stupid dirty jokes. Which make the movie classy but not foolish.
When the name of the movie and all those posters are Kick Ass, immediately you associate the story will probably be about Kick Ass, however, only the first half of the story seems relevant, the second half is much more about Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) and Hit Girl (Chloe Moretz) trying to put down the whole Frank D'Amic gang. Hit Girl is actually the star of the movie. She pretty much did all the fightings, which is really impressive for an eleven-year-old to do. The surprise is Nicolas Cage is actually playing Big Daddy, never ever excepted he will do comedies.
This is more then just a comedy. Don’t deny yourself without even trying. Sometimes you just don’t know what your strengths are and you just need a little more time to explore the possibilities. I am not asking you to be Kick Ass, but he definitely has something you don’t.
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