The first reaction when I saw the poster of this movie was, “What? Miriam Yeung another Rated-X movie? No way!” After I learnt what’s the movie was about, another NO WAY! How can a romance comedy rated-X when it doesn’t even include any sex or blood. It was said that the reason is the movie includes too many foul languages. Really? Although is not a problem for me, but I’m sure many teenagers would love to see this movie too, how ridiculous.
The movie portraits when smoking is no longer legal in covered areas. Which giving a whole new experience to that bunch of people - a new spot for them to hit on boys/girls. And this is where Cherrie (Miriam Yeung) and Jimmy (Shawn Yu) met.
The story is about the relationship between Cherrie and Jimmy. Sarcastically, in the real world Miriam is actually older than her husband like the movie does. However, the focus of their relationship is not on their age. It’s about giving up a relationship and embracing a new one. When you have a steady partner, will you be brave enough to start it all over again? Or even when you are single, will you be able to let go your past and move on?

“It’s exhausting to break in someone new.” Said Cherrie.
True, it is. But if you are lucky enough he/she might be someone special. “It is just another opportunity.” Her co-work replied. Sometime we are just too fragile to break out from our comfort zones, too content with the current situations. However, life is about taking risks and chances. Otherwise there will never be any new chapter or any improvement in your life.
“We don’t have to rush everything in one night.” Said Jimmy.
When our insecurity kicks in, you will try to do everything to satisfy him/her in order to make them stay or love you. But the reality is NO! Love doesn’t come under any condition, it flows naturally, if he/she doesn’t like you, whatever you do is worthless.
Watching the movie is so relaxing, the mood is so light, couples of joke from here to there. The background music just blended with the movie perfectly. Miriam is radiant! When it comes to this kind of down-to-earth character, no one can do it better and bravo to Pang, very different from his previous works. Nice Work!
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