Life is not always fair, Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) a Jewish college professor, experienced the worst of his life, a divorce, a complaint might affect his career, a bribe, financial problems, health issue… etc. everything just seems rushing toward his way. He has been a good husband, a good father, and a good teacher. He didn’t really “DO” anything to deserve any of these. However, this is life, the more it seems we could control our destiny the more the possibility plummet.
When his brother was sitting at the edge of the empty swimming pool crying, shouting that Larry has everything, family, a job, and a life. It is true but was it how he wanted it to turn out? Maybe not. Somehow we are all living in the world of expectations, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have any expectations. Expectation is like the fuel of a better life, the motivation helps us to work harder, better to improve the life we are living. The flip side, we always fail to fulfill those expectations and started blaming ourselves for not doing enough, or in this case, “what have I done wrong?”
Thinking sometimes hurts. Too much of everything hurts in a way or two. Relax! Stop being so serious about anything, stop finding answers when you are suppose to learn during the process. Just breathe and stop asking why.
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